During a recent meeting with AMVIC, the following areas were identified as simple fixes to several dealers' compliance goals:
- Unlicensed Business Activities - several members have been found to be missing the required licenses for their business activities. Go to the following link, enter your dealership's name, and "view" the licenses to ensure you have the following licenses: New Sales, Used Sales, Leasing, Wholesale, Garage, Service Station, Specialty Service (if applicable), Mobile Service (if applicable), Consignment (if applicable), Agent or Broker (if applicable), or Autobody (if applicable).
- Non-Compliant Bill of Sale - we have been advised of several situations where dealers have removed the disclosure statement from the bill of sale that confirms the dealer will disclose all known history of the vehicle. This is a requirement of the Automotive Business Regulation. If you would like the MDA to check your bill of sale, please contact the MDA Office.
- Outstanding Liens - the good news here is that we do not have an issue with our members paying off liens in a timely manner. The issue that has come up is the timely removal of the lien from the PPSA Registry. While we understand that this should be the responsibility of the financial institution, it is the dealer's responsibility to ensure the financial institution takes this action.
As always, if you have any questions relating to activities with AMVIC, please don't hesitate to contact the MDA Office for assistance.